The Hair Lab is open for Research


Photo Credit: Afroscientist by Dionisius Samuel

Welcome to The Hair Lab!

A place to experiment, question, study and learn about hair. My sources range from popular beauty blogs and hairstylists I admire, to not so popular medical and scientific journals; which I will try to share in practical terms in order to understand at home hair care of non chemically straightened hair aka Natural hair a little better.

I hope this site can help you have a relatively easy transition from chemically straightened hair to naturally curly hair, with simple tips and scientific facts to keep your hair healthy and your mind sound in that process. All change is good, but it is even better with the power of knowledge.

I am a Medical Doctor with experience in Neuroscience and Advanced facial rejuvenation. I’m no stranger to the world of beauty as I used to work with all sorts of beauty experts from hairdressers, to cosmetologists, to fitness trainers and learned a lot from all of them. This mix of scientist, clinician and beauty enthusiast has helped me feel comfortable in my own skin (or hair?) while I was transitioning to naturally curly  (at least that’s what I think).

I know how intimidating change can be and how important it is to know that we are not alone in the road to change; be it our hair, our physical appearance, place of residence, line of work and so on.

In the Hair Lab, I will mostly post about hair; but you will also see some references to neuroscience, fitness, aesthetic medicine and general healthcare. I hope you don’t mind the variety.

My natural hair journey started almost by accident when I relocated to Asia in 2012, so there you have it, I’m a hair aficionado with a medical/scientific background that used a little science to have a relative “painless” transition to Natural Hair and is still on the look out for better ways to keep her hair as healthy as possible. There is no such thing as a dumb question when we are learning something new, so feel free to ask.

Go Team Natural!

Dr. L.

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